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Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь - ascertain


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Перевод с английского языка ascertain на русский

1) устанавливать, выявлять, определять, выяснять, удостоверять 2) индивидуализировать (товар) – to ascertain an invention – to ascertain the extent of the damage ASCERTAIN гл. 1) общ. устанавливать; определять, удостоверять, убеждаться; выяснять, узнавать to ascertain the truth - выяснить истину, to ascertain smb's guilt (smb's innocence) - установить чью-либо вину (чью-либо невиновность) 2) торг., юр. индивидуализировать (о товарах) See: unascertained goods identified goods ASCERTAIN гл. 1) устанавливать; определять 2) индивидуализировать (о продаваемом товаре)
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См. в других словарях

  1. выяснять; убеждаться, удостовериться to ascertain the truth —- выяснить истину I ascertained that he was right —- я удостоверился, что он прав 2. устанавливать to ascertain smb.'s guilt —- установить вину to ascertain how the thing happened —- установить, как это произошло ...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  v. устанавливать, удостоверяться, выяснять, убеждаться to ascertain the situation - выяснить обстановку ...
Англо-русский словарь
  v.tr. 1 find out as a definite fact. 2 get to know. Derivatives ascertainable adj. ascertainment n. Etymology: ME f. OF acertener, stem acertain- f. {agrave} to + CERTAIN ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   transitive verb  Etymology: Middle English acertainen to inform, give assurance to, from Anglo-French acerteiner, from a- (from Latin ad-) + certein, certain certain  Date: 15th century  1. archaic to make certain, exact, or precise  2. to find out or learn with certainty  Synonyms: see discover  • ~able adjective  • ~ment noun ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (ascertains, ascertaining, ascertained) If you ascertain the truth about something, you find out what it is, especially by making a deliberate effort to do so. (FORMAL) Through doing this, the teacher will be able to ascertain the extent to which the child understands what he is reading... Once they had ascertained that he was not a spy, they agreed to release him... Take time to ascertain what services your bank is providing, and at what cost. = establish VERB: V n, V that, V wh ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~ v formal to find out if a fact that you think is true is really true  (The police were never able to ascertain the true facts.) + how/when/why etc  (He could not ascertain where the clouds ended and the snow-covered rocks began.) - ascertainable adv ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  - 1417, "to inform, to give assurance," from O.Fr. acertener "to assure," from a "to" + certain "certain." Modern meaning is first attested 1794. ASCETIC - 1646, from Gk. asketikos "laborious," from asketes "monk, hermit," from askein "to exercise, train," originally to train for athletic competition. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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